Anna Dunn

anna dunn, 1920-1981, teacherBirth: 3 May 1920
Death: 11 Jun 1981 Age: 61
Death Place: Kilmartin
Father: Alexander DUNN (1883-1966)
Mother: Maggie WILLIAMSON (1893-1973)

Occupation: Teacher

Why did she never marry? The impression we have is that her Mother, Meg, was rather traditional, and that she was expected to look after her younger brothers rather than her own life? Is this true?

I know she was ill in the 1970's because she came to stay with us for a short time in Cromarty. Other than that I know very little about her life. I have a vague childhood sensation of a disappointed woman, but that may be purely reflective maker-believe.

Know more about Anna Dunn? Please email me with information. Thank you.
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