Andrew Williamson, birth and death dates unknown

george williamson, govan. 1882 - ?Birth: unknown date at 61 Langlands Road, Govan, Glasgow
Death: Date unknown, but probably South Africa
Father: Samuel WILLIAMSON (1846-1910)
Mother: Annie EWING (1849-1931)

None known.

Occupation: Unknown.

Notes for Andrew WILLIAMSON
Almost nothing is know about Andrew Williamson, what his occupation was, when he emigrated to South Africa, or what happened afterwards. He seems just to have disappeared without a trace.

Know more about Andrew Williamson? Please email me with information. Thank you.

Meg's brother Andrew. Uncle of Meg's children. He went to live in South Africa and lost contact with his family.

May have lost contact, but a few anecdotes about possibilities . . .
1) Married a Greek, which Granny Williamson thought was as good as something non-pc.
2) Went to run a diamond mine in Witwautersrand where his bulldog would only attack the natives.
3) Had descendants who flew in the war and died - Da (Angus) remembered their staying with you or at least visiting.
4) And some mention of a family called Glass having orange groves in Natal.
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